Welcome Message
Welcome to Strood Gospel Mission Church website. We are a lively, friendly, growing community with an informal approach and a range of ages who attend. We are committed to worshipping and serving God, and base our life and faith on the teachings of the Bible.
We meet at Brompton Lane at 10 am every Sunday. We also hold various mid-week activities for Christian growth including Growth Groups (home based small groups) and prayer meetings. We have a wide range of community and outreach activities. You can explore what we believe and what we do by exploring our website. However, the best way to get to know us is to come and visit us - you will be assured a warm welcom
Strood Gospel Mission Church
Strood Gospel mission is now open and we are operating a number of mid-week meetings. These are as follows:
Sunday morning worship – 10am you can also access our services on you tube Strood Gospel Mission Church @ YouTube
Mondays 10.00am – Coffee stop at the Church
Tuesday 7.00pm – 9.00pm – Quilting Group
Wednesday 10am – 12noon – Parent and toddler club
Wednesdays 11.00am – 1.00pm – Grassroots a clothing bank and household items free/donation
Wednesday 6.30pm – 7.45pm – kings squad 711 years
Thursday 11.00am – 1.00pm – Grassroots a clothing bank and household items free/donation
Thursday 3.30 - 4.30pm meal club
craft and chatter 1 - 3pm at the church
Tuesday 7 - 9pm
Thursday 1 - 2.30pm AND 8 - 9pm
If you need to contact the church, please email stroodgospelmissionchurch@gmail.com or use the contact page on our website.